Hello, I am Bryan A. Jones, LPC the owner and executive director of the Joshua Generation. I am Angela Dean, LPC the assistant clinical director of The Joshua Generation. We welcome you to our private practice. We are personally inviting you to make an appointment to see us. Please know that WE ARE HERE FOR YOU………Psychotherapy can greatly improve your mental well-being.
Our therapists at the Joshua Generation are highly trained professionals who specialize in treating mental health issues. Opening up your soul to a stranger requires a great deal of trust. Our practice provides a comfortable and private setting for you to share your feelings with us.
We offer affordable mental health services designed for you. We offer individual, couple and group therapy. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to ask questions, want us to check your insurance coverage or need emotional and spiritual support. Please allow us to schedule a free consultation today at your convenience. Call today 470-545-2297.
A Look at Our Practice
Unlike most other medical professions, in psychotherapy the patient’s physical environment has a significant impact on the healing process. The Joshua Generation Care and Consultant Services, LLC understands the importance of providing patients with a warm, friendly and familiar atmosphere.
We are centrally located in metro Atlanta Georgia near interstate 85 and 285 off Chamblee Tucker Road with plenty of off-street parking. Our practice is open, bright and comfortable, which is exactly how we want our patients to feel. The counseling rooms are discreetly shielded from prying eyes, so you can be certain that what you say during therapy stays between you and your therapist.